FOR AUGUST 2010On 2nd August ,Sun will be in cancer16 , Mars in virgo17 along with Saturn17, Mercury in Leo11 and Venus will leave Leo at 13:38:19p.m. and ingress into Virgo ,its debilitation sign, Jupiter retrograde in Pisces 9, rahu in Saggitarius16 and ketu in Gemini 16. The Sun will enter into Leo on 16th ,Mercury will turn retro on 21st Aug and will remain so till the end of month, Mars will remain in Virgo 26 till the end, Jupiter will be retro throughout the month, Venus will be in Virgo ,Saturn in virgo 10 and Rahu and Ketu in Saggitarius and Gemini respectively.
Markets will be in positive territory most of the time ,though at higher levels profit booking will cut into the gains.Banking ,realty, pharma,and tech shares will be in limelight